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Seeds of Uncertainty: The Hidden Impact of GM Maize on Indian Agriculture
- Feb 22, 2025
-Dr. Mamtamayi PriyadarshiniEnvironmentalist, Social Worker, and Trustee of Prashubhgirinews delhi-Maize, or corn, is integral to the diets of millions and a cornerstone of the agricultural economy. In recent years, the push to introduce genetically modified (GM) maize has intensified in India. However, a growing body of evidence and recent incidents underscore the need for a cautious approach to the deregulation of GM maize in India. As of now, the cultivation of GM food crops, including...
CPJ College Orgnaizes Winter Fest “Ullaas-2025” on 20-February-2025
- Feb 19, 2025
new delhi-In continuing its rich tradition, CPJ College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela, (affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi) shall organize its Winter Fest “ULLAAS-2025” on Thursday, 20-February-2025. Dr. Abhishek Jain, General Secretary and Dr. Yugank Chaturvedi, Director General of CPJ College released a joint statement and said that the upcoming Winter Fest would be a spectacular display of varied cultural performances like music and dance competitions, fashion parade,...
IMT Hyderabad Welcomes Prof. K M Baharul Islam as New Director
- Feb 18, 2025
Hyderabad, India- The Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Hyderabad is thrilled to welcome Prof. K M Baharul Islam as its new Director, effective toady. With a career spanning over 30 years in communications, public policy, and governance, Prof. Islam steps into this leadership role at the level of a Vice-Chancellor, bringing a wealth of experience and a global perspective to the institute.Prof. Islam is no stranger to academic and professional excellence. Currently serving as a Professor...
अपने बेहतर सिद्धांतों के जरिए अमेरिका विश्व की अगुआई कर...
- Jul 03, 2021
नईदिल्ली-अमेरिकन जय मदान 12 वीं कक्षा में अपग्रेड हुए हैं। जय मदान काफी संवेदनशील विद्यार्थी हैं जो हर संवेदशील मुद्दे पर अपनी राय रखते हैं। उन्होंने खास तौर पर बगदाद के मुद्दे पर बातचीत करते...