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A new Punjabi Singing Sensation Akshay Shokeen ruling the hearts of youth
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- Nov 06, 2020
This Guy is ruling the hearts of people with his charming style and singing. He remains an enigma to critics and contestants. The magic of his singing is speaking head on to the younger generation, which is praised by his growing fans on YouTube. Akshay is emerging as the new star of fond Punjabi singing.
Your singing is constantly rocking YouTube and you have achieved a position in Punjabi singing at such a young age, how do you see it?
I am getting a constant love and affection of young music lovers, whether you see the popularity of my songs on YouTube or look elsewhere. Today’s youth is eager to hear something new and varied in music. They are getting all that from my songs. And that inspires me to do something good and better consistently. By the way, from the beginning my inclination has been towards the music industry. Along with the songs, I was very fond of modeling, and I was moving forward with the dream of working in a music video. This desire began to prevail after passing the 12th standard. And I was wandering in search of a good break. But then I thought why should not I try myself as a singer and why not make my own music video. What was it then, I started moving towards becoming a singer with full devotion and slowly moved on to it.
You have achieved many successes at the very early age, whom do you give credit for this?
See, in this journey of mine, I got support from my mother every moment, which always inspired me to do something and become a big man. Apart from this, my millions of loving music lovers constantly inspire me to do better than best. You must have seen in my music videos that the location, model etc. are selected keeping the youth in mind, our whole effort is to rule the hearts and minds of the youth and they get to hear something good and different.
As a singer, how do you see your journey so far?
I still cannot believe that my willfulness of becoming a singer will change me to such an extent. In my journey to become a singer, I have struggled a lot and made a lot of sacrifices, and when asked to compare it, it is exactly like asking a bad guy to become a good men. I am very satisfied with my success today and also have the firm belief that if I keep going ahead with hard work and dedication, then one day I will definitely achieve my goals.
Today, when there is tremendous competition in every field, how do we see this phase for singers?
Look, today we experience competition in every filed, and for singers it is even more. I feel that I have to work very hard to survive in this competitive phase, only then I will be able to achieve my dream.
How comfortable are you with new techniques in the music world?
With the advent of new techniques in the music world, it has become very convenient for musicians and I consider this thing to be good. This not only saves the musician’s time, but they can now also able to concentrate on creating better music for the listeners by doing new experiments.
What are your plans for the future?
I am very optimistic about the future and I feel that if I keep working hard then one day I will definitely get success.
What message would you like to give to the youth who are dreaming of becoming a singer?
I believe that it is very important to develop an understanding for music and singing for those who are aspiring to become singer. They should love music. If you have singing skills and passion for music, then you should definitely come to this world.
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Dr. Rajesh Kumar