Dr Vandana Goel doing leading work to help the country fight  the pandemic

Dr Vandana Goel is a senior doctor with experience of 27 years of working with many private and government hospitals all thoroughout India. She’s an MBBS, Ex HCMS as well as a member of IMA, DMC, DMA, FAIMA , united RDA, GMDA .

She has been doing leading work to help the country fight
the pandemic. She has been doing  free online consultation using twitter throughout the pandemic. She is seen daily in multiple twitter spaces as a speaker and panelist and she is solving many queries of poor and needy patients who DM her on twittter. She is also associated with the “India cares” foundation and one of the most active doctors there.

Further, she is a member of “Mahila mandal Delhi” and helping all needy females through this platform as well. For her leading work, she has been interviewed by BBC, NDTV, AAP Rajasthan, Hindustan times and various other leading outlets.
She has conducted hundreds of free medical camps in Delhi’s suburbs and is a volunteer dr at blind schools , leprosy centre and many other such organisations . Her motto in life is ‘To live life for others’. Her twitter handle is https://twitter.com/drvandanagoel2/status/1383351420322160640?s=24


  • Aishwarya Sinha
    Aishwarya Sinha

    The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News

    Aishwarya Sinha

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