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Dr Jyoti Anand is truly a superwomen for the 300 plus kid-street-beggars
This story of a young girl has something Incredible about it. The girl’s name is Dr Jyoti Anand. She is truly a superwomen for the 300 plus kid-street-beggars and people living in slum areas of New Delhi.
14 years back, an incident in the life of a young girl changed her outlook towards the kids on the streets. Once Dr Jyoti Anand was walking with her father on a busy street of Masihgarh when she was just 14 years old and saw a girl wearing filthy cloths. The cute little girl was holding a grimy doll. The little girl came closer to the daughter-father duo and asked for some money. Then, Jyoti has immediately reacted in a bad manner and said “Look at the dirty doll you are holding, you looks like the same as this doll” and moved ahead with her father. Her father Mr GS Anand has not reacted at her approach towards that girl at that moment. Soon they reached back at home, Mr Anand has called her daughter and said to her very politely that “We should be thankful to the God that he has given us enough to survive and enjoy but this doesn’t give you a right to abuse another girl on the street”.
The entire night Jyoti kept on thinking about the lines said by her father and regretted about the incident. Very next day, Jyoti has decided to go and meet the same girl to apologies. Coincidently, the girl had her birthday on that day, knowing that Jyoti has gifted her a new doll and apologised . It was a turning point in the life of Dr Jyoti. A young girl at the age of 14 has decided to pursue her father’s ideology of helping the most destitute and deprived kids from the streets. From that day she has decided to help the kids from slum areas and started volunteering with some NGOs in her neighbourhood in her spare time. After volunteering for 6-7 years, she has realised that the kids of the beggars on the streets are not getting any attention from anyone and their parents are using their Childs for begging from the day they born.
Later on, at the age of 20 she has formed her own NGO and named “Anand Organisation for Social Development and Education” to help the humans who are unable to meet their basic needs such as thirst, food, and shelter. Jyoti feels that parents living in poverty are often left with no choice than to catapult their children into the same unjust world of child labour that they themselves have grown up in. With this ideology, this NGO is named after her father’s name because she got her first inspiration from her father which has changed her outlook towards the most deprived community. Currently she is providing free education to 300+ kids in the slum areas at different locations. Delhi Police has supported her by providing their booth which she is using as a classroom.
She is also educating the children about “Good Touch and Bad Touch” as she feels that young kids specially girls are abused and people touch them inappropriately. So far more than 50,000 children has attended her workshops on “Good Touch and Bad Touch”. She was also invited to different states to deliver the session on “Good Touch and Bad Touch”. This is not just that, she is also engaged actively in women empowerment. Along side all other good deeds, Dr Jyoti is helping the female residents of slum areas and providing them free sanitary napkins to maintain the hygiene by sharing the knowledge about the use of sanitary napkins. She has delivered many awareness session on sexual education to the women in the Government observation homes.
During this Pandemic Covid-19, she has helped more than 1,000 families with groceries and food.
Dr Jyoti has faced challenges when she lost her father and she was overloaded with family responsibilities but her mother has been proven as her energy booster. She hasn’t stopped her good deeds and running her NGO successfully. Following her great passion for social development, Ballsbridge University has recognised her efforts and awarded Jyoti with a “Honorary Doctorate Degree in Social Work”.
Remembering her father she proudly said “My Daddy was my hero. He was always there for me whenever I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things”.
Dr Jyoti is double post-graduate. She is MSW (Masters in Social Work) and holds masters degree in rural development. She also holds diploma and certificate in Criminal Justice System and Anti Human Trafficking. She is a member of CPMG Delhi Circle ICC, Sarvodaya Vidyalaya and MCD school committee for prevention of sexual harassment at workplace. At the age of 27 she has received accolades and achieved a great success in her initiatives. Dr Jyoti has been awarded as “Youngest Social Worker”, “Inspiring Women Achiever Award” and countless such other awards.
To support her please visit: https://anandngo.org/
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Dr. Rajesh Kumar