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USHA cable is now manufacturing Communication cable along with smog fog cable
Delhi – Usha Cable, having certification like BIS, ISI has expanded their
production line from highly successful FRLS, HR, FR and Fiber Cables to manufacturing
of high-quality Computer Cables, Communication Cables and Internet Cable.
Aman Gupta, Director, informs that after his Engineering degree in 2013 from
DTU a highly reputed engineering educational institution. He turned down a
lucrative job offer from an American Based Organization instead, decided to
stay in India to pursue and grow his family business. the decision later found
to be a career enhancing for self as well for the family business.
Aman Gupta informs further that he plans to change the name as well the Logo of
the company from ‘Delhi Electricals Trading Company’ to ‘Usha Cable Industries
starting January 2022, he expects, since the company’s product are available
across India, the same shall bring good response from the market.
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Dr. Rajesh Kumar