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CPJ College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela (Affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi) organized the Winter Fest “ULLAAS’24” on Saturday, 3rd February, 2024 with great excitement. Dr. Abhishek Jain, General Secretary of CPJ College inaugurated the function together with Mr. Yugank Chaturvedi, Director General and other senior functionaries by lighting the auspicious lamp amidst Saraswati Vadana. All the existing students of Management, IT, Commerce, Law and whole staff of CPJ College enthusiastically participated in the celebration.
First of all Dr. Abhishek Jain was requested by the organizing committee to Chair the function. He blessed all the students to enjoy their educational journey with positive mindset .and wished the participants their desired win in the various competitions. On this occasion Dr. Yugank Chaturvedi, Director General gave the welcome address and warmly welcomed the honorable Chairman, other Dignitaries and all students present in the celebration.
Further, Dr. Chaturvedi motivated the students to make memories by showcasing their arts, music and cultural caliber and wished the participating students to emerge as winner in their respective competitions like, Rangoli making, Rachna-Canvas painting, Miniature Decoration, Glitters- Greeting Card Making. Besides this, On the Stage modern competitions organized like 'Rock & Roll-Group Dance', 'Mantra-Music battle', 'Mr.& Ms. Ullaas-Fashion Parade' etc
The winners of various competitions of the Winter Fest and academically meritorious students of CPJ and University Topper along with the Winner students at University level Annual Sports Meet were awarded with Medals, Prizes, Certificates and Mementos by the hands of Director General and dignitaries.
All the awardees were delighted to receive the recognition for their top performance. These moments of pride inspired the other students for better preparation and attain excellence in their respective studies, sports, cultural activities and various academic competitions. The deserving students were also awarded with the title of Ms. Ullaas and Mr. Ullaas.
The participants during the interviews with social media team in their testimonies said that it has been the immense joy to join CPJ College, participate in the fest and meeting the peers and teachers. Student community and staff together enjoyed the diverse arts talents, fashion parade beauty and entertaining cultural events. Fun fare, musical presentation, modern and classical dance and singing added flavor to the festivity. Especially the main attraction of "Ullas -24 was the spectacular live performance of explosive music by renowned Band ‘ Swarism’.
At the end, the Winter Fest concluded successfully with Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Ishmeet Kaur Sodhi, Law faculty and Ms. Saumya Goel, Management Faculty, conveners of the Cultural Committee.
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Dr. Rajesh Kumar