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IIM Jammu Hosts Roundtable Conference Hyderabad Chapter & Alumni Meet Fostering Academia-Industry Partnerships
IIM Jammu Hosts Roundtable Conference Hyderabad Chapter
& Alumni Meet Fostering Academia-Industry
Partnerships" for your kind perusal. Present on the
occasion were Prof. B.S. Sahay, Director, IIM Jammu, Prof. Jabir Ali, Dean
Academics and Dr. Rashmi Ranjan Parida, Chairperson, Placements, IIM Jammu.
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Jammu organized a
prestigious Roundtable Conference in Hyderabad on 31st August 2024, under the
theme Fostering Academia and Industry Partnerships – The Way Ahead. The event
brought together distinguished academics, industry experts, and key
stakeholders to discuss strategies for aligning academic programs with industry
needs, with the goal of creating a robust pipeline of industry-ready graduates.
The Indian Institute of Management Jammu remains committed
to fostering strong academia-industry partnerships that contribute to the
holistic development of future leaders and managers
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Dr. Rajesh Kumar