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new delhi-
CPJ College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela (Affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi) organized the Winter Fest “ULLAAS-2025” on Thursday, 20th February, 2025 with great excitement. The function was inaugurated by Shri Nidhin Valsan, IPS, DCP, Outer North District; Delhi Police by lighting the auspicious lamp alongwith Dr. Abhishek Jain, General Secretary, Dr. Yugank Chaturvedi, Director General and other senior functionaries of CPJ College. All the existing students, faculties and staff of CPJ Group of Institutions enthusiastically participated in the celebration.
First of all Dr. Abhishek Jain and Dr. Yugank Chaturvedi warmly welcomed the Chief Guest Shri Nidhin Valsan, IPS and felicitated him with a cute Tulsi Plant, CPJ Memento and a Shawl as a token of honor on behalf of whole CPJ family. The Director General Dr. Chaturvedi gave the welcome address and warmly welcomed the Chief Guest and said , we all at CPJ extremely honoured to have you amongst us on this annual Winter Fest “Ullaas-2025) and thanked him for giving his valuable time out of his busy schedule. He also welcomed other dignitaries, staff and all students present in the Winter Fest “Ullaas-2025”..
Thereafter, the anchor Ms. Ishmeet Kaur Sodhi, requested Chief Guest Shri Nidhin Valsan to address the gathering. The Chief Guest Shri Nidhin Valsan, IPS gave an excellent inaugural speech by giving his own life experiences of passion, commitment and strong will power. Actually he had previously suffered from cancer and emerged as a cancer survivor brave person and an IPS Officer. He gave very inspiring, impressive and educating speech full of success mantra for every person. A few examples of motivation from his beautifully well worded speech are, Patience and perseverance are not only important during hard times but these are essential virtues for achieving any goal in life, because it is simply nature of the world that achieving things take time and process. He emphasized that gratitude and honor showed to another strengthen relationship. He himself experienced that the gratitude and honor to friends and relations can have a profound positive impact on everything from our sleep to recovering from suffering. It also helps maintain good relationships and provide motivation to succeed at work and achieve our aims.
On this occasion winners of various competitions of the Winter Fest like, music and dance competitions, fashion parade, titles of Mr. & Ms Ullaas-2025 etc. and Academically Meritorious Students of CPJ and University Topper along with the Winner students at University level Annual Sports Meet were awarded with Medals, Prizes, Certificates and Mementos. The deserving students were also awarded with the title of Mr. & Ms.Ullaas-2025.
The participants during the interviews with social media team in their testimonies said that it has been the immense joy to join CPJ College, participate in such like fests, fun fare, musical presentation, modern and classical dance and singing. All these activities added flavor to the festivity. Especially the main attraction of "Ullas -2025” was the electrifying music of DJ Taran and Thrilling Live performance by LVL Up-the Band of Funkaars. Overall the winter fest "Ullaas-2025" won the hearts of audiences with its entertaining competitions.
At the end, the Winter Fest concluded successfully with Vote of Thanks jointly proposed by Ms. Saumya Goel, and Ms. Ishmeet Kaur Sodhi, Conveners of the Cultural Committee of the College..
The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News
Aishwarya Sinha